Eco – Kitchenware 101

Why cook with non-toxic, eco-friendly cookware?

If you enjoy cooking, then you know that having the right cookware makes all the difference. But did you know that the cookware you use can also have an impact on the environment?

Traditional cookware is often made with materials that can release harmful toxins into the food. Furthermore, many types of these cookware cannot be recycled and end up in landfills with the potential of damaging the environment around it.

On the other hand, eco-friendly cookware is made with sustainable materials that are safe for the environment. If you’re looking for something eco-friendly, then you may want to consider using cookware made from materials like stainless steel or rice husks, etc. These materials are sustainable and recyclable, making them a more environmentally friendly option than traditional cookware made from metals or plastics.

The chemicals used to create a non-stick surface, Teflon, for cookware have been linked with disrupted hormones, reproductive issues, and even cancer. The use of these chemicals in cookware has been common for decades, with recent research suggesting they may be harmful to human health.

Several chemicals found in non-stick pans, such as Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and Per- and polyfluorinated compounds (PFAS), are considered to have an eternal effect. They take many decades to disappear from the body and do not deteriorate within the environment.

PFAS is an umbrella group consisting of thousands of chemicals that cover consumer products. Non-toxic cookware encourages healthy eating habits, clean-up is easy and chemical-free food preparation is possible with the use of eco-friendly cookware.

When you care about “Farm-to-Table,” what you use to cook matters just as much. Therefore, eco-friendly cookware is surely a healthier choice for you and your family because when you use these types of cookware, you can be sure that you are not exposing yourself or your loved ones to any harmful chemicals or toxins.